Jeanne Mare Raubenheimer, affectionately known as JIM, is a world renowned and accredited Body Paint, SFX and Fabrication Artist from Cape Town, South Africa, now residing in Los Angeles. JIM’s incredible work ranges from her countless film projects: Maze Runner Death Cure, Bloodshot, Kissing Booth and Raised by Wolves to her mesmerizing body painting artistry. Raubenheimer has traversed Africa and the globe to compette, teach and now even judge this art form. JIM ranked 5th in the world in both UV and SFX body paint at the World Body Painting Competition held in Austria each year.
JIM’s passion for the field of the arts transpired when she was quite young but her love of body painting only began when she was a student at Cape Town creative arts and media school CityVarsity where she consecutively won the annual Bodyspectra body painting competitions. JIM was sold and was destined to find how she could further the art form as her career. Doing a deep dive on the net she found the world championships and has been endeavoring to take part each year ever since. And with 45 nations represented, this championship competition has proven to be fierce.
Just like canvas artists have unique styles and trademarks, so too can body painting artists be known for their work. What is a bit different and where Raubenheimer excels, is she is a joy to be the subject of which is imperative as her canvas talent may be spending up to 7 hours with JIM applying her craft to their bodies. Jeanne Mare has adopted the name You Are My Canvas as to express the true nature between JIM and her human canvas muse.